{"version":3,"sources":["Scripts/System/cartegraph-patches.js"],"names":["originalSetTimeout","window","setTimeout","func","delay","args"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;CAUA,WACE,IAAIA,EAAqBC,OAAOC,WAEhCD,OAAOC,WAAa,SAASC,EAAMC,KAAUC,GACzC,GAAc,IAAVD,EAAaA,EAAQ,EAEzB,OAAOJ,EAAmBG,EAAMC,KAAUC,KANhD","file":"patches.js","sourcesContent":["/**\n* Replace the normal setTimeout function with one\n* that treats 0 and 1 as the same\n* This is an attempt to preserve prior Chrome behavior where setTimeout with a delay of 0 and 1 were identical\n* We want to normalize to 1 (which is what the browser used to do) because otherwise, it can create\n* conditions where something like Knockout uses a setTimeout(0), and _.defer uses a setTimeout(1),\n* and now you have a behavior difference after the browser update\n* See this bug: https://dev.azure.com/cartegraph/Cartegraph/_workitems/edit/136903\n* And discussion here: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/HKPTp7C1LwY\n*/\n(function () {\n var originalSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;\n\n window.setTimeout = function(func, delay, ...args) {\n if (delay === 0) delay = 1;\n\n return originalSetTimeout(func, delay, ...args);\n };\n})();"]}